Mets Cola: The Finest Diet Cola of All

Japan's Kirin Reinvents Diet Soda While Helping Keep Your Weight Down

Name: Mets Cola
Category: Soft Drink
Ethnicity: Japanese
Brand: Kirin

For decades, the delicious tooth-withering syrupy soda has always been accompanied by its "healthier" aspartame-ridden brother, diet soda. First Tab, then Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi, people started flocking to the somewhat tasty no-cal drink because it gave them caffeine without the calories. So it does make sense that paired with mesmerizing ad campaigns, diet soda, specifically, diet cola, would become massively popular in American. Currently, the beverage industry is satiated with dozens of popular diet sodas, guaranteed to give you a refreshing jolt while keeping the "S" word out of your diet. Not that I agree with diet soda being healthy, but Americans tend to add unnecessary sugar into almost every processed food made in the country; it's not the worst way to cut calories for the average American. Diet Cola has received a few updates over the past years but none that I would consider game-changers. That is, until I tasted Mets Cola. Japan's beverage giant Kirin created a carbonated diet cola that I believe is the finest of all the diet colas. I see Mets Cola as the Diet Coke lover's dream drink. The most important box this drink checks off is that it tastes almost exactly like Coca-Cola (to me the most critical goal of a diet cola taste). The taste is undeniably light and refreshing. The body tastes like a sophisticated herbal cola with a light finish and no nasty aspartame aftertaste. Each sip, I am not reminded of a synthetic laboratory soda but a real drink that tastes natural and purely delicious. As a diet coke drinker, I have found what I've been looking for for so long. Perhaps I've been drinking American diet sodas so long that I chose not to search for better tasting alternatives around the globe. But this Metz Cola is something else; it transcends the category in both taste and presentation. And I didn't even get to the best part...

Japan's premier beer maker Kirin has made the world's first health-conscious soda. Beside from keeping consumers cool, Mets Cola is scientifically designed to help you keep fat off. What allows for this is an added fiber supplement that makes it more difficult for your body to absorb fat molecules during mealtime.  Kirin has also vetted this beverage's functionality by backing it up through successful clinical research. From a marketing standpoint, Kirin successfully targeted and won over men in their thirties who love indulging in food and drink but fear putting on extra weight. Seems young Japanese men love a drink that can help keep up with late night jaunts at their local Izayaka.

With science and marketing on their size, Mets Cola wins huge in the battle for the best diet cola. Most importantly, Mets Cola has massive longevity because it has 10 calories and tastes like the real deal. It's not an easy beverage to find. But when you see it, DRINK UP!

Rating: A+ (This Drink is the Current King of Skinny Colas!)


John Mazur

Ethnic food is a serious passion of mine. I have developed a brand new site that focuses on sampling, critiquing, and enjoying brand new foods and snacks from around the world. My mission is to show the world that global foods should be shared, experienced, and cherished by everyone.